[OpenBSD] pf tips

Find a rule match

Let say you think a port is filtered by IP but it’s not. You have a somewhere a rule to open for your taste. How to find it ?

First establish a connection from a given IP:

test-host ~ $ nc -v 21

Then on the firewall list state connection from this IP:

fw5:~# pfctl -vvv -ss | grep -A3
   [899608849 + 29200] wscale 7  [1508798648 + 5889] wscale 4
   age 00:00:41, expires in 04:59:19, 3:2 pkts, 164:164 bytes, rule 72
   id: 5565c647ffd1505e creatorid: 410e4752

The matched rule has the number 72.

Find a rule by its number

When doing a tcpdump on the pflog interface, matches are displayed using a number. To find the corresponding rule list them all and filter them:

fw3:~# pfctl -sr -g | grep '@72'

Purge a 'stuck' rule

When a relayd failover goes wrong, you can find yourself with a 'stuck' anchor rule. To list them all:

fw3:~# pfctl -a relayd/* -s rules

Find the outdated rule, then remove it manually:

fw3:~# pfctl -a relayd/foobar_https -F rules